Choosing a certified Odoo Partner for your ERP implementation is a strategic decision that offers significant advantages.  


DigiGlobal is Odoo v17 certified, ready to drive your ERP journey to success.


All in one solution and Out of the box integration 

Use integrated systems to grow your company. Every app shortens a procedure and boosts user engagement. 

Imagine the impact when everyone is equipped with the best tool for the job, integrated seamlessly. Increase productivity with a snappy user interface, genuine speed, reduced data entry, and clever AI. 

Schedule a demo now!

Our exclusive services


Answer your queries about Odoo. Provides documentation for setting up Odoo to be as resilient and effective as possible.

Project Management

Specialized Project Management services to help guide your business through projects efficiently with expert advice and support during every phase.

Training and Support

We train your users how to utilize the various Odoo modules to get more from your IT investment.  We give information and help to keep your solution running smoothly.


Customize Odoo for your company from straightforward tweaks to entirely new development with our experienced developers.

End-to-End Implementation

Evaluate your operations. Create the optimal Odoo user interface. Implement, set up, and personalize. Get users trained, then go live!


Deploy Odoo in the cloud or on-site. Configure mail, SSL, and domain with our experienced IT resources. We will help you go live with your project in no time.

We create the perfect tailored solution for you

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